From common people’s food to state banquet

John Smith
3 min readAug 26, 2022


Indonesian people like dry fried food. Many Indonesian dishes must be accompanied by shrimp cakes, otherwise they will not feel like eating. In the restaurant, most shrimp cakes are also served as pre meal snacks, a little like peanuts. They are served free of charge. Even if they are charged, a basin of shrimp cakes is only a few yuan. Shrimp cake is a delicious fried food, which naturally attracts children’s favorite snacks before meals, while adults eat it directly with chili sauce or with black tea, which can be said to be the magic of shrimp cake.

In addition, in Indonesian cuisine, no matter it is satay, Soto ayam or rawon, the meat, eggs, rice and soup are all soft. Only when hard shrimp cakes are added can it be regarded as a formal meal and make Indonesians feel like eating. Even the cheapest meal, a bowl of rice with a little green vegetables and a little shredded meat, also needs a piece of shrimp cake outside.
In addition to ordinary restaurants, shrimp cakes can also be seen at Indonesian state banquets. Because of the colonial history, shrimp cakes were also brought into Europe by the Dutch, and they also enjoyed a reputation in Europe.

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On August 17, 1945, Indonesia, an imaginary community, declared its independence with the eagle of seeking common ground among differences. Then, on August 17 of each year, the long island celebrated freedom, and red and white cloth strips and flags were tied on both sides of the streets. People held various celebration activities throughout the month. One of the competitions was the Lomba Makan kerupuk.
On the hot sand, there are two long bamboo poles with rope tied in the middle. Round kerupuk Putih (white Biscuits — this is usually used in the National Day biscuit eating competition in Indonesia, and the snack bar will be packed with blue fish cake boxes) are suspended on the line. The contestants put their hands behind their backs. Whoever eats the biscuits on the rope first will win.

The significance of the biscuit eating competition is to commemorate the Indonesian people in the Dutch colonial era. In the colonial era, food was often given to the colonists, and the poor people could only use biscuits and a small amount of rice as their staple food. In order to commemorate the struggle of the people in the colonial era, this competition, which is loved by both adults and children, came into being. When people bite the biscuits, the white and round biscuits symbolize freedom, struggle and unity.

